View models and dimension table (click here)
MODEL Volume (l) Dimensions (DxLxH) Dimensions (LxIxH) He (mm) Hs (mm) C (mm) Ø Pipe (mm) FT
BIOFIX 6 1.360 - 1.560 x 960 x 1.230 930 30 750 x 750 110
BIOFIX 10 2.410 - 2.580 x 960 x 1.230 915 30 750 x 1.415 125
BIOFIX 15 3.770 - 4.070 x 960 x 1.230 880 30 750 x 1.415 - 750 x 750 160
BIOFIX 20 4.896 - 5.080 x 960 x 1.230 880 30 2 x 1.415 x 750 160
BIOFIX 25 6.238 - 6.560 x 960 x 1.230 880 30 2 x 1.415 x 750 - 750 x 750 160
BIOFIX VT10 10.000 2.190 x 3.440 x 2.265 - 1.800 150 790 200
BIOFIX VT15 15.000 2.190 x 4.980 x 2.265 - 1.800 150 790 200
BIOFIX VT20 20.000 2.190 x 6.520 x 2.265 - 1.800 150 790 200
BIOFIX VT25 25.000 2.190 x 8.060 x 2.265 - 1.800 150 790 200
BIOFIX VT30 30.000 2.190 x 9.600 x 2.265 - 1.800 150 790 200
BIOFIX VT35 35.000 2.190 x 11.140 x 2.265 - 1.800 150 790 200
BIOFIX VT40 40.000 2.190 x 12.680 x 2.265 - 1.800 150 790 200
BIOFIX VT45 45.000 2.190 x 14.220 x 2.265 - 1.800 150 790 200
BIOFIX MR VT50 50.000 2.980 x 8.520 x 3.050 - 2.600 112 790 200
BIOFIX MR VT60 60.000 2.980 x 10.060 x 3.050 - 2.600 112 790 200
BIOFIX MR VT70 70.000 2.980 x 11.600 x 3.050 - 2.600 112 790 200
BIOFIX MR VT80 80.000 2.980 x 13.140 x 3.050 - 2.600 112 790 200
BIOFIX MR VT90 90.000 2.980 x 14.680 x 3.050 - 2.600 112 790 200
BIOFIX MR VT100 100.000 2.980 x 16.220 x 3.050 - 2.600 112 790 200
BIOFIX MR VT110 110.000 2.980 x 17.760 x 3.050 - 2.600 112 790 200
BIOFIX MR VT120 120.000 2.980 x 19.300 x 3.050 - 2.600 112 790 200
Legend: L - Length | H - Height | I - Width | LT - Overall width | D - Diameter | C - Cover | He - Cota Piping Input |
Hs - Piping Output Quota | FT - Technical Data | DT - Technical Drawing | The dimensions (in mm) are given as an indication, with tolerance of ±2%, and can be changed without notice.

Small Wastewater Treatment systems – Biological Tank, ECODEPUR®, BIOFIX is a watertight compact system that allows domestic, or similar, wastewater treatment, and incorporates a primary settling tank, anaerobic digester and an aerobic trickling filter.

Other materials, including carbon steel protected, available on request.

ECODEPUR® BIOFIX has CE marking, in accordance with the legal obligations that stems from the entry into force of the Directive 89/106/EEC on Construction Products, fulfilling all the requisites of the European Standard EN 12566-1.

The Initial tests, including the determination and verification of nominal capacity, tightness, hydraulic efficiency and structural behavior, were conducted by the Notified organism No. 1842.


  • CE MARKING EN 12566-1;
  • High efficiency biological filter;
  • High mechanical and corrosion resistance;
  • Fully watertight (due to the construction materials, there are no leaks in the walls, in contrast with the traditional concrete systems))
  • Easy to install and do maintenance;
  • Adequate ventilation prevents unpleasant odors;
  • Without energy consumption.


The use of ECODEPUR® BIOFIX compact biological tank is recommended when is intended to obtain high efficiency in domestic wastewater treatment, in order to reduce potential contamination of the discharge terrain, and consequently the ground water:

  • Small population;
  • Habitations;
  • Condominiums;
  • Small tourist complexes;
  • Temporary Camps;
  • Schools;
  • Restaurants and bars;
  • Canteens;
  • Athletic complexes;
  • Camping;
  • Health care centres;
  • Component maid of wastewater produced in industrial unities, between others.


  • High treatment levels;
  • Null visual impact (Underground Installation);
  • Easiness and speed of installation;
  • Manufactured in additive linear polyethylene anti-UV, by rotomoulding system, which confer elevated mechanical resistance and corrosion protection;
  • Absence of unpleasant odours, with correct ventilation;
  • High efficiency biological filter;
  • Polyethylene cover;
  • Easy to work and do maintenance.
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