View models and dimension table (click here)
MODEL Volume (l) Dimensions (DxLxH) He (mm) Hs (mm) C (mm) Ø Pipe (mm) FT
AQUADEPUR 6 3.000 1.500 x 1.900 x 1.550 1.280 1.280 400 110
AQUADEPUR 10 5.000 1.800 x 2.320 x 1.870 1.560 1.560 400 110
AQUADEPUR 25 10.000 2.190 x 3.440 x 2.265 1.800 1.800 790 200
AQUADEPUR 40 15.000 2.190 x 4.980 x 2.265 1.800 1.800 790 200
AQUADEPUR 50 20.000 2.190 x 6.520 x 2.265 1.800 1.800 790 200
Legend: L - Length | H - Height | I - Width | LT - Overall width | D - Diameter | C - Cover | He - Cota Piping Input |
Hs - Piping Output Quota | FT - Technical Data | DT - Technical Drawing | The dimensions (in mm) are given as an indication, with tolerance of ±2%, and can be changed without notice.

Compact systems that integrate Activated Sludge technology, Low Load regime, in a discontinuous reactor with SBR typology (Sequencing Batch Reactor). The "Batch" treatment process is mainly characterised by the fact that aeration and the settling of sludge take place sequentially and cyclically in the same tank, with the peculiarity of dispensing the biological sludge recirculation, as there are no biomass loses in the aeration zone, on the contrary of what happens in the traditional systems.

Treatment Efficiency:


AQUADEPUR® Micro SBR has been designed and tested in accordance with the European standard EN 12566-3, obtaining treatment efficiencies superior to the current legal exigences, which allows to respond to a possible increase in regulatory requirements.

 Technical Advantages:

  • Minimum energy consumption;
  • Silent system and no visual impact;
  • Easy and quick to install, start-up and do maintenance;
  • Absence of bad odours, with appropriate ventilation;
  • Single engine responsible for aerating and discharging treated effluent;
  • Absence of submersible electrical components;
  • Total Watertightness;
  • Easily upgradeable for reuse of treated water for irrigation.

Main Characteristics:

  • High treatment levels;
  • Null visual impact (underground installation);
  • No preliminary treatment required - solids will accumulate in the reactor between sludge removal operations;
  • Due to the inlet’s special configuration, the effluent is fed directly into the sludge bed;
  • Silent mini-blower with low power consumption;
  • Discharge of treated water through an air-lift system without submersible electrical components;
  • Manufactured in polyethylene with anti-UV additive, by a rotomolding system, which translates into high mechanical resistance and insensitivity to corrosion;
  • Absence of bad odours;
  • Activated sludge treatment process in discontinuous reactor (Sequencing Batch Reactor);
  • Easy to install and maintain, and simplicity of operation and maintenance;
  • Aeration, agitation and discharge of treated water ensured by a single component in high performance conditions;
  • Automatic operation (single-phase Compact Control Unit, with integrated clock and auto levelling valves);
  • Upgradeable with Buffer Tank and air-lift feeding as well as an automatic sludge removal air-lift and separate sludge tank.


The operation of the Micro SBR AQUADEPUR®, ECODEPUR® is based on the Compact Control Unit and the membrane air blower. The Compact Control Unit guarantees the correct distribution of the air flow produced by the blower, opening and closing the valves to start / stop the aeration and discharge operations (the control of raw effluent feed and excess sludge discharge are also available as an option).

The default operation of Micro SBR AQUADEPUR® ECODEPUR® consists of two or three complete daily cycles of AERATION – SEDIMENTATION – EXTRACTION OF TREATED EFFLUENT.

In this reactor, the aeration and setting operations are succeeded alternatively. To avoid the introduction of perturbations in the system, the settling operations and the treated water discharge are not carried out during the expected peak flow times. Additionally, the perturbation caused by influent wastewaters during the settling and discharge periods is practically nil, as these periods are regularized during periods of low flow.


The use of Micro WWTP's ECODEPUR® AQUADEPUR® is recommended whenever high treatment levels of domestic residual water are required, in areas not served by the public sewage network, or whenever the treated water reuse for irrigation is intended.


The simplicity of the treatment unit, coupled with its automatic functioning, allows its maintenance to be limited to a set of routine operations whose frequency will be dictated by the normal operation practice.

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