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The ECODEPUR® GORTECH® SEFCLEAN GS 1850-AST Grease Separator goal is the reception and treatment of fat wastewaters from the handling of food products in a domestic or industrial environment.

The equipment is built from stainless steel, which translates to high mechanical resistance and ease of cleaning, making it suitable for locations that aim to control critical points under the implementation of HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point).

The GORTECH SELFCLEAN GS 1850-AST model features innovative technology for automatic cleaning and automatic removal of food waste (solids and fats), representing the Best Available Technique (BAT) for the treatment of greasy wastewater.

The ECODEPUR® GORTECH® SEFCLEAN GS 1850-AST Grease Separators have CE marking, in accordance with the legal obligations that stems from the entry into force of the UE Regulation N. º 305/2011 about Construction Products, fulfilling all the requisites of the European Standard EN 1825- 1.


  • CE Marketing according to the EN1825-1;
  • Removal of emulsified animal fat;
  • Removal of immiscible liquids - vegetable oils;
  • Reduction of operating costs, since the pumping of fat is not required and the clogging of the sewer network is avoided;
  • Automatic self-cleaning cycle;
  • Automatic removal of solids and grease;
  • Easy daily maintenance;
  • Significant reduction in BOD5, COD and TSS;
  • Best Available Technology (BAT);
  • Low energy consumption.


The installation of a grease separator can retain oils and fats, avoiding damage to downstream sanitation systems Its application is recommended for the following establishments:

  • Restaurants;
  • Canteens;
  • Hotels;
  • Schools;
  • Bars;
  • Residential areas;
  • Camping Parks;
  • Laundries.
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