View models and dimension table (click here)
MODEL Hab. Equivalentes 1 Volume (l) Dimensions (LxIxH) He (mm) Hs (mm) C (mm) Ø Pipe (mm)
Sprac Biox Domus 6 6 1.360 1.560 x 960 x 1.230 930 920 750x750 110
Sprac Biox Domus 10 10 2.410 2.580 x 960 x 1.230 915 920 750x1.415 125
Legend: L - Length | H - Height | I - Width | LT - Overall width | D - Diameter | C - Cover | He - Cota Piping Input |
Hs - Piping Output Quota | FT - Technical Data | DT - Technical Drawing | The dimensions (in mm) are given as an indication, with tolerance of ±2%, and can be changed without notice. ; 1 - The figure given is only indicative, and treatment systems, scaled in each case, taking into account the specific type of application.

Grey Water Recycler System ECODEPUR® BIOX/SPRAC are equipment intended for the reception, treatment and reuse of grey wastewater (baths, showers and sinks), through a combination of biological treatment processes, filtration and disinfection. Allowing reuse for secondary uses (flushing toilets, watering gardens, washing various things, etc.).

The system allows reducing significantly the domestic water consumption, turning out to be only an effective contribution for water preservation, but also an advantageous investments with economical return in short term, as soon as it leads a cost reduction to potable water consumption.


Grey Water Recycler System ECODEPUR® BIOX DOMUS present economical, technical and environmental benefits as present below.


Management and optimization of consumption with consequent reduction of the associated cost with drinking water consumption. The achieved economic benefit is based on a combination of the following factors:

1 – Reduction of the number of cubic meters of fresh water supply (less m3 consumed);

2 – Reduction of the water supply taxation (less m3 consumed at a lower $or €/m3 cost);

3 – Reduction of the value associated with the sanitation tax applied, since this is typically pegged to the value of drinking water consumed.


Creation of a strategic water reserve, useful in periods of water shortage by temporary interruption of supply (ruptures, drought, etc.).


Reduction of the level of contaminants released to the environment, in order to comply with local legislation and preservation of natural resources (water), reducing their consumption and thus contributing to their conservation and sustainable use. The use of these systems will also generates a "forward environmental image".


  • Ease and flexibility of installation (reduced human intervention);
  • Absence of odors;
  • Ease and comfort of operation and maintenance (automatic operation/minimizing human intervention);
  • Low cost of first investment and operation;
  • Industrial Design (State-of-the-art equipment);
  • Absence of noise;
  • Functional safety (hydraulic and sanitary).


We sugest application of Grey Water Recycler System ECODEPUR® BIOX DOMUS ill all new constructions for the following situations:

  • Hotels;
  • Small population clusters;
  • Condominiums;
  • Campsites;
  • Gims;
  • Public and Institutional Buildings;
  • Tourist complexes;
  • Schools, between others.

This system is easily installable in the construction phase, and its installation can also be considered with advantage in phases of remodeling and / or rehabilitation.

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