View models and dimension table (click here)
MODEL Volume (l) Dimensions (LxIxH) He (mm) Hs (mm) C (mm) Ø Pipe (mm) FT
DEPUROIL NS1.5 1.258 - x 1.210(D) x 1.380 1.080 1.030 740 110
DEPUROIL NS3 1.360 1.560 x 960 x 1.230 930 820 750 x 750 110
DEPUROIL NS6 2.410 2.580 x 960 x 1.230 915 805 750 x 1415 125
DEPUROIL NS8 3.770 4.060 x 960 x 1.230 880 770 750 x 750 - 750 x 1415 160
DEPUROIL NS10/12 4.820 5.080 x 960 x 1.230 880 770 2 x (750 x 1415) 160
DEPUROIL NS15 6.180 6.560 x 960 x 1.230 840 690 2 x (750 x 1415) | 750 x 750 200
Legend: L - Length | H - Height | I - Width | LT - Overall width | D - Diameter | C - Cover | He - Cota Piping Input |
Hs - Piping Output Quota | FT - Technical Data | DT - Technical Drawing | The dimensions (in mm) are given as an indication, with tolerance of ±2%, and can be changed without notice.

ECODEPUR® DEPUROIL® is Light Liquid Separator destined to clean water polluted with light free floating liquids such as engine oils, gas, oil etc. Separators has CE marking, fulfilling all the requisites of the European Standard EN 858-1:2002.


  • CE Marking according EN858;
  • High treatment levels (double filtration system);
  • Pre-Sluge trap built-in;
  • Automatic closure device incorporated (system always calibrated);
  • Sampling point;
  • Cast Iron Cover complying with FF EN124, Class B125 available;
  • Oil alarm system available (required by EN 858-1);
  • Possibility to incorporate a by-pass directly within the equipment structure;
  • High storage capacity for separated products;
  • High mechanical resistance and corrosion protection;
  • Light and easy to install and maintain;
  • Totally watertight;
  • Without power consumption;
  • Low cost.


ECODEPUR® DEPUROIL Separators has CE marking, in accordance with the legal obligations that stems from the entry into force of the Directive 89/106/EEC on Construction Products, fulfilling all the requisites of the European Standard EN 858-1:2002.

ECODEPUR® DEPUROIL Separators are Class 1 under the Standard EN858, featuring a coalescing double filter and an Automatic closure device. These Separators achieve a concentration of less than 5mg/l, of oil under standard test conditions.


The ECODEPUR® DEPUROIL Separators allow the entry of non-chemically emulsified oily waters containing hydrocarbons (Eg. Oil and Petro) with densities between 0.85 and 0.95.Heavier materials (sludge, sand, etc) settle into the Pre-Sludge Trap compartment and are trapped there. This compartment also holds hydrocarbons that easily float.

To optimise this process, separators are fitted with a double coalescing filter, which traps the smallest oil particles, causing them to agglomerate into larger particles and consequently giving them enough upward force to propel them towards the surface. 

In this chamber, the hydrocarbons will accumulate on the surface, while the clean water will sink to equipment bottom.


To comply with current legislation, Oil/Water Separators should be installed in places where oily wastewaters are produced, namely:

  • Service stations (including private supply post and cooperative);
  • Fuel storage and distributions areas;
  • Vehicle workshops;
  • Washing areas;
  • Scrap yards;
  • Car Parks;
  • Airports.

Any site with a risk of contamination from petrol, diesel, or engine oil.


Only the following items need to be checked, at least every three months:

  • Oil layer thickness;
  • Deposits in the base;
  • Oleophilic coalescing filters;
  • Automatic Closure device;
  • Oil alarm warning devices;
  • Sampling point
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