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The sand/grease trap are equipment that allows the settling of the densest residues (sands) and the flotation of the lightest wastes (grease and floating) in the surface. The floating material is removed continuously by two surface scrapers and a hopper. The grease is then directed to storage tank (to be provided). The removal frequency of the settled matter at the bottom will be dictated by operating the system and the purging can be carried out through the bottom valve.

To wash the sands and help the flotation of the greases, the system will be equipped with blowing air in fine bubbles through a network of diffusers supplied by a side channel blower. the degritting/deoiling system is dimensioned for peak flows of 15 m3/h

The sand/grease trap ECODEPUR® model DD is a separator of oil and sand particles from domestic wastewater. The the degritting/deoiling allows the settling of the densest residues (sands) and the flotation of the lightest wastes (grease and floating). The elimination of sands avoids abrasion of equipment and filling of downstream basins. Elimination of the greases enable the transfer of oxygen in the aeration tank and prevents the accumulation of floats on its surface. Air is injected into fine bubbles in the center of the basin by a submerged turbine. The air bubbles cling to the light particles thus promoting their flotation at the periphery of the basin. The agitation linked to aeration makes it possible to separate the sand from the organic matter which surrounds it. A surface scraping system pushes the floats into a grease trap. The sands are cleaned, drained and stored in a container.


  • Extract gravel, sand and more or less fine mineral particles from raw water;
  • Granulometry equal to or greater than 200 μm, even 300 μm;
  • Avoid deposits in the conduits, protect pumps and other devices against abrasion;
  • Vortex effect thanks to the introduction of tangential water;
  • Rotary mechanical mixer with blades with vertical
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