View models and dimension table (click here)
MODEL Volume (l) Dimensions (DxLxH)
SBR VT10 10.000 2.190 x 3.440 x 2.265
SBR VT15 15.000 2.190 x 4.980 x 2.265
SBR VT20 20.000 2.190 x 6.520 x 2.265
SBR VT25 25.000 2.190 x 8.060 x 2.265
SBR VT30 30.000 2.190 x 9.600 x 2.265
SBR VT35 35.000 2.190 x 11.140 x 2.265
SBR VT40 40.000 2.190 x 12.680 x 2.265
SBR VT45 45.000 2.190 x 14.220 x 2.265
SBR VT50 50.000 2.980 x 8.520 x 3.050
SBR VT60 60.000 2.980 x 10.060 x 3.050
SBR VT70 70.000 2.980 x 11.600 x 3.050
SBR VT80 80.000 2.980 x 13.140 x 3.050
SBR VT90 90.000 2.980 x 14.680 x 3.050
SBR VT100 100.000 2.980 x x16.220 x 3.050
SBR VT110 110.000 2.980 x 17.760 x 3.050
SBR VT120 120.000 2.980 x 19.300 x 3.050
Legend: L - Length | H - Height | I - Width | LT - Overall width | D - Diameter | C - Cover | He - Cota Piping Input |
Hs - Piping Output Quota | FT - Technical Data | DT - Technical Drawing | The dimensions (in mm) are given as an indication, with tolerance of ±2%, and can be changed without notice.

ECODEPUR®SBR are a Compact System specialized in domestic wastewater treatment in one Biological reactor by Sequence Batch Reactor (SBR) in na Activated Sludge process.


  • Automatical Sequencial function – BATCH System;
  • Constructed in Polyethylene tank or Steel Tank;
  • Activated Sludge process, in low-loaded/total aeration system (total oxidation);
  • High treatment levels;
  • Null visual impact (Underground Installation);
  • Easiness and speed of installation;
  • Manufactured in additive linear polyethylene anti-UV, by rotomoulding system, which confer elevated mechanical resistance and insensitivity to corrosion;
  • Absence of unpleasant odours;
  • Functioning and maintenance simplicity;
  • Aeration and agitation secured by only component in high profit conditions;
  • Automatic functioning (electric board with integrated delayer);



  • Small population clusters;
  • Condominiums;
  • Tourist complexes;
  • Service Stations;
  • Restourants ;
  • Construction sites;
  • Schools;
  • Athletic complexes;
  • Camping;
  • Military facilities;
  • Petroleum and gas exploration field;
  • Component maid of wastewater produced in industrial unities, between others.



Ecodepur SBR operates in a true batch mode with aeration and sludge settlement both occurring in the same reactor.



The treatment unity simplicity, allied to its automatic functioning allows restricting its maintenance to a set of routine operations which frequency will be dictated by the normal exploration practice.

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